The PYP Attitudes in Action in Physical Education
Regardless of the curriculum framework in which we deliver our physical education programs, good teaching practice should be at the heart and essence of everything we do. I have worked in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program for the past 15 years. Embedded within this model are a number of core values that help to drive the learning and character development of each student. There are 12 core values called the PYP Attitudes.
I constantly draw upon these 12 attitudes to help initiate important discussions in my PE program and also hand out recognition awards when students genuinely demonstrate putting any of these core values into action. A few years ago I created a set of 12 posters with each poster containing key questions related to the respective core value being highlighted. I have numerous sets of the PYP Attitude posters up in all of the spaces in which I teach. Addressing these core values in my PE program is a priority. Over the past couple of years I have had hundreds of requests from teachers around the world asking for these posters and have always been willing to share them for free with any teacher wanting to use them in their program. I believe in the power of sharing and knowing that other teachers find use in them is reward enough for me.
Sending them out by email has taken up quite a bit of my time, so I have uploaded PDFs of each of the posters on this page. Please feel free to download them and to use them in your own teaching space. Probably best to get them laminated before putting them up. I'd love to see how they look on the walls of your gym, office, or movement composition room. If you want to send me a picture of the posters in your own teaching space, I will post it on this page. Hope you find use in them.
Happy Teaching!
Andy Vasily
Regardless of the curriculum framework in which we deliver our physical education programs, good teaching practice should be at the heart and essence of everything we do. I have worked in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program for the past 15 years. Embedded within this model are a number of core values that help to drive the learning and character development of each student. There are 12 core values called the PYP Attitudes.
I constantly draw upon these 12 attitudes to help initiate important discussions in my PE program and also hand out recognition awards when students genuinely demonstrate putting any of these core values into action. A few years ago I created a set of 12 posters with each poster containing key questions related to the respective core value being highlighted. I have numerous sets of the PYP Attitude posters up in all of the spaces in which I teach. Addressing these core values in my PE program is a priority. Over the past couple of years I have had hundreds of requests from teachers around the world asking for these posters and have always been willing to share them for free with any teacher wanting to use them in their program. I believe in the power of sharing and knowing that other teachers find use in them is reward enough for me.
Sending them out by email has taken up quite a bit of my time, so I have uploaded PDFs of each of the posters on this page. Please feel free to download them and to use them in your own teaching space. Probably best to get them laminated before putting them up. I'd love to see how they look on the walls of your gym, office, or movement composition room. If you want to send me a picture of the posters in your own teaching space, I will post it on this page. Hope you find use in them.
Happy Teaching!
Andy Vasily