My Journey, My Mission
I can't believe that it's been over three years since I created PYP PE with Andy. My original intention in making the website was to help with job recruiting as I realized that I had no way of really showcasing my instructional in PE. I felt as though I was doing good work, but with no real means of showing potential schools my style of instruction. It wasn't long before I was interviewed at my present school, Nanjing International School and ultimately accepted a position teaching PE there. Working at NIS has been a highly rewarding experience for me professionally and an equally wonderful place for my boys to go to school.
Although I had found a new job and my website proved to be useful in this pursuit, I began to get a few emails from PE teachers around the world letting me know that they found use in what I had been documenting on PYP PE with Andy. This motivated me to continue to document, with regularity, my instructional practice in teaching and assessment. It didn't take me long to realize what an amazing experience blogging can be in terms of deepening my own understanding about the vision that I have for PE. Maintaining my website has challenged me to think deeply about what good teaching means.
With over 100,000 visits to my website, I know that I am on the right track and that people find value in my work. This in itself is very rewarding to me, but more importantly, I have been able to connect with so many great teachers around the globe and for that I am eternally grateful.
Although I had found a new job and my website proved to be useful in this pursuit, I began to get a few emails from PE teachers around the world letting me know that they found use in what I had been documenting on PYP PE with Andy. This motivated me to continue to document, with regularity, my instructional practice in teaching and assessment. It didn't take me long to realize what an amazing experience blogging can be in terms of deepening my own understanding about the vision that I have for PE. Maintaining my website has challenged me to think deeply about what good teaching means.
With over 100,000 visits to my website, I know that I am on the right track and that people find value in my work. This in itself is very rewarding to me, but more importantly, I have been able to connect with so many great teachers around the globe and for that I am eternally grateful.
How 'PYP PE with Andy' Has Helped Others
I would like to thank all of my website followers for challenging me to be the best that I can be. It always brings me great satisfaction and joy in knowing that my work and my vision for PE has helped so many others improve their own practice. Thanks for following!
Andy visited UNIS school on a two-day curriculum consultancy with the Physical Education department. Both Andy's approach and content were exemplary. He has an in-depth knowledge of the IB PYP, physical education and PE curriculum planning generally. He was able to share his obvious passion in a clear, concise, fun, 'hands on' and interactive manner. The workshop was practical and efficient. Andy's knowledge and enthusiasm were infectious. Several months since his consultancy his legacy is still very much alive at our school.
Chris Frost PYP Coordinator United Nations International School |
"Andy has a cult following. Whenever a meeting of PE minds takes place (job-a-likes, IB workshops, etc.) his name comes up and his ideas are shared. I was fortunate enough to meet and learn from him at a PE job-a-like in 2011. At this time I was new to PYP, and he set me on the right path. I would categorize trainings conducted by Andy with the same worth as other highly respected professional development opportunities that I have taken part in, such as the category 3 workshop: The Role of Physical Education."
John Paul McCarthy Head of Physical Education Shanghai United International School |
"When I first begun teaching PYP PE two years ago I had no idea of where to start. After searching the internet I cam across Andy's website. It gave me a great place to start, some excellent ideas and great examples of learning experiences and assessment tasks. I would often send Andy an email with specific questions as well, which he was always happy to help with. Andys website certainly made my first year teaching PYP PE that much easier. I still often read Andys blog and enjoy seeing the amazing things that he is doing in his lessons."
Rebecca White PE Teacher I-Shou International School of Taiwan |
"We find 'PYP PE with Andy' the most useful site on the web for practical resources and ideas, which help us achieve our goal of integrated classes in PYP PE. Actually watching Videos of you working with the kids and using flip charts show the links between central ideas and lines of inquiry help show how PE can be used as more than just the traditional run around for the kids."
Edward Smith PE Teachers Bonn International School (Germany) PYP with Andy has been a lifesaver. I had no idea where to begin with our IB journey in regards to PE. It seemed like all the trainings I attended were geared toward the classroom. Andy's website has been a guide to help me understand my role in PYP. Shelli Ferris Mountainview Elementary Waco, Texas |
I find the resources available here on Andy's website to be extremely helpful. As a teacher just starting out in the PYP, I often go to Andy's website to get ideas for linking PE to a unit of inquiry, updating portfolios, or linking attitudes in with a unit. John Haskell PE Teacher International School of Bonn (Germany) I've got your website address from a Brazilian friend who is the Deputy Head in a PYP school in Russia. I found it very useful and I forwarded the address to our College PE staff and we will be discussing some of your ideas, in particular how to make connections to the units of inquiry. The many samples and ideas on students' portfolios, assessment tasks and planners that you made available are also inspiring. Alvaro Caselli Head of Physical Education St. Francis College - São Paulo / Brazil |
"The main objective of Andy's workshop was to improve our assessment practices but as all the members of the department commented, I think our overall understanding of the role of PE in the PYP went to a new level. We ended the session drawing up some essential aggreements moving forwards. I have no doubt that our program will be far stronger as a direct result of what happened this weekend. The format is ideal and I know that it is the most effective PD I have attended, as we also came away with concrete and meaningful units and exemplars.
Andy's delivery was personal, inquiry-based and well-organised. It helped that we were all passionate about our subject, but the learning environment he created fostered a constructivist dialogue with everyone building on each others ideas." Cameron McHale PE Teacher United Nations International School of Hanoi (Vietnam) |
I am a PE teacher and stumbled upon your website. You have some great resources and I wanted to thank you for sharing. I will be checking your website often for continuous great ideas.
John Todd MacDonald PE Teacher Canadian International School of Beijing |
Andy's site has been very useful to our PE department as we begin to implement PYP at our school. PYP is very new to us and we have used Andy's site on several occasions for ideas' it's a valuable resource. Thanks, Andy! Paul Ricketts Head of PE Fukuoka International School (Japan) |
"When I first started the PYP programme, I was completely lost and did not know where to start. By browsing Andy's website, it gave me an overview, as well as examples of how I needed to organise my lessons. It's good to see other practitioners using it so that we are all on the same level, in terms of what we are teaching. Good work Andy!"
Majid Hussain PE Teacher Fairview International School (Malaysia) |
"LOVE YOUR WORK - I am currently encouraging my PE teachers to visit your blog and link up with you . Thank you for all you share in terms of your knowledge and expertise with PE in the PYP."
Melissa S Graham Deputy Head of Junior School IB PYP Coordinator St Margaret's School, Berwick (Australia) |
"I want to start off by first telling you that I've been engulfed in your website for the past three weeks trying to figure out how I can incorporate PYP into my curriculum. There are so many activities and strategies that I would love to implement into my program. Thanks again for opening my eyes. I look forward to collaborating with you in the future."
Matthew LaMoyne PE Teacher Overhills Elementary School (North Carolina) |
"I am so glad that I met you and you intrduced me to your website. It has helped me revitalise my school PYP PE program in terms of central ideas, assessments and lesson structuring. I use your website at least twice a week trying to learn new information and get more ideas to put into practice. This website has helped me to move away from the traditional way of teaching and assessing PE."
Ryan Tawanda Matopodzi Athletic Director Wuxi Taihu International School |
‘Andy and his amazing website have been an extremely beneficial tool as I transitioned from a PYP classroom teacher into a PYP PE teacher. His assessment examples provided me with some fresh new ideas on how students can take control of their learning in the sports hall. I would highly recommend any PE teacher, whether they teach in the IB world or not, browse the website and take advantage of Andy’s professional generosity. It is teachers like Andy who help us all strive to improve our practice and most importantly, make learning a powerful and positive experience for our students.’
Wayne Quennville PYP Coordinator/PE Teacher Strothoff international School (Germany) |
"I have to let you know how inspiring your stories, lessons, insight, and creativity has effected me as a teacher. It is so clear to see how dedicated you are as a teacher.......the students are lucky to have a guy like you.
I think this is brilliant! Great categories, principled, reflective, etc. I will put this into my daily routine when I see a student shine in that education area." Mr. Nick Corsi Physical Education Teacher, Pre-K - 8th grade Athletic Director St. Pius X School (Massechusetts) |
"I am following your blog and am very thankful for all the great ideas and resources you are sharing. It has been very useful and and inspiring to follow your work."
Anna Giger PYP Physical Education teacher Bladins International School of Malmö |
Before our training session with Andy I struggled to make meaningful written assessments in my early childhood PE class. Andy gave me the tools and inspiration to design meaningful and fun written assessments. Andy has also changed the way our department plans units by encouraging a collaborative, creative process.
Andrew Dutton PE Teacher United Nations International School of Hanoi (Vietnam) |
Thanks for letting me sit in your class and learn your PYP program for the past three days. It was a productive trip for me to learn from you, someone who has been working with PYP PE for more than a decade. I will sign up for your PYP PE with Andy teaching forum to learn from and exchange ideas with you and other teachers around the world.
Reggie Lu PE Teacher Xiamen Int School |
"Andy was very helpful and generous when I contacted him regarding resources for teaching PYP PE. It is great to see him on Twitter now as it will be easier to keep track of the new and interesting things he is doing in PYP PE."
Kathryn Ross PE Teacher Canadian International School of Tokyo |
As a young PSPE teacher, I found the information useful and extremely effective in the elementary setting. The assessment tasks and blog posts really gave me an idea of what I should be looking for in a PSPE classroom.
Chris Weber PE Teacher Jefferson Lighthouse Elementary School Racine, Wisconsin I can’t remember how I came across Andy’s website, but I am grateful that I have! Andy’s website has helped me to see where my own weaknesses are as a PE teacher. It’s easy to do enough to make myself look good on the outside, but deep down I know I can be doing so much more for my PE program. It’s really easy to get caught up in my comfort zone, but Andy is a professional to the highest degree among PE teachers. Without ever personally meeting him, his website has inspired and rejuvenated my passion to step it up to the next level with assessments and integrating of other subjects into PE. I have passed Andy’s website along to many other PE teachers. Andy is my role model for being a better PE teacher. Thank you Andy for sharing everything you do with your students! Words can’t express how helpful it has been to have your website as guide in teaching PE! Cassie Cook Girdwood P.E. Teacher K-8 Girdwood, Alaska |
In the Spring of 2012, I was looking for a way to help the Xiamen International School's Primary Years Program (PYP) develop in positive ways. In particular our Lower School PE teacher was looking for both classroom management techniques that helped students with freedom and responsibility issues. And also help with building an active PE curriculum that helps the "whole" student. When we heard of Andy Vasily and his experience and passion of young movers, I knew we had found our advisor. After a week of shadowing Andy, our teacher returned from Nanjing International School with a whirl of new ideas. This was one year ago and the difference has been amazing. Andy knows his PE stuff and is also proficient at how to blend PYP into the mix. Thank YOU Andy!
Douglas Ward Director of Physical Education, Athletics and After School Programs Xiamen International School (China) I started teaching the PYP curriculum this year. Our school has an outstanding PYP coordinator who is very passionate and knowledgeable about the PYP programme and he gave me a great introduction to the PYP curriculum. In addition to this I wanted to further learn how to implement inquiry into my PE teaching. "PYP with Andy" was recommended to me by a friend in China. From navigating the website, I had a clearer understanding of how everything was connected and gave me lots of ideas for lessons which I have tried out. The part of the website that was particularly valuable to me was the "example PYP planner". It was very easy to follow in this format and helped me to understand how to link PE into the planner. Since then,our school has gone on to create our own PYP PE planner similar to this format. We have also introduced the "sportfolio" and the students used this at the most recent student led conferences. Andy was in contact with me several times during the start of the year to answer any questions I had. I would highly recommend any newcomer to PYP PE to take a look and use this website. Annie Waterston PE Teacher Pechersk International School (Ukraine) |
This website has helped me better tie the PYP and PE together as it's not always easy to make relevant connections. For example, having sample unit planners has been a great asset for my own planning and helps build my own confidence that I'm on the right track. (I'm on my own at my school) Andy's assessment samples are also great to draw on.
This website is also a great platform for other teachers to come together and share/collaborate what they're doing in the classroom. While I'm not really giving back yet, I have all intentions to make contributions once I've gained a bit more experience and feel that what I'll contribute will be of benefit to others. Curtis Glasco PE Teacher International school of Ulaanbaata (Mongolia) |