Lesson Objectives A) To introduce the idea of using our bodies to create specific balances B) To understand what a good balance looks like C) Students to create their own balance, with a partner, and name it D) With a partner, create a 5-balance routine and perform the routine to a short piece of music Learning Experiences 1. Warm up and stretch 2. Introduce idea of balancing our bodies in certain ways 3. Model “Tree” pose, a yoga posture requiring balance and concentration 4. Handout worksheets and explain task for the day 5. Work with a partner at simultaneously creating balances of; a bird, a table, a chair, a candle, and to create one balance of their own and name it 6. Discuss with one another how these balances can be aesthetically improved upon 7. Establish an order in which they will perform these balances and practice their timing 8. Record, on their sportfolio worksheets, how well they did at each balance and draw stick figure illustrations of what their balance looks like 9. Teacher to take picture of each group doing their favorite balance to later be glued on to their sportfolio worksheet 10. Play short Cirque Du Soleil piece and have students perform their 5 balances in a repeating pattern for the duration of the song 11. If time permits, have 2 or 3 groups on the mats performing for class Teacher Reflection The lesson went well and was organized. I would have taken more pictures of each group and showed the pictures to them. Seeing pictures of themselves doing balances is an effective way to get them to determine how to better angle themselves during the balances in an effort to improve. Please see video of routine as well as examples of student work.
Lesson Objectives (grade 3)
Learning Experiences
Teacher Reflection Although this lesson seemed to flow very well, I would allow the students with better hand and eye coordination to use 2 scarves for their routine. Introductory Gymnastics and Movement to Music Lesson Plan for Kindergarten
My lesson objectives and learning experiences for this lesson are below. The lesson went very well and worked toward tapping into the students' creativity and imagination. Lesson Objectives A. To introduce central idea and lines of inquiry(see previous blog for CI & LOI) B. To discuss movement patterns C. To identify specific movement patterns in a Cirque Du Soleil video clip D. To explore imaginary movements based on what the wind looks and sounds like. Learning Experiences
Final Task Have the students create a 3-5 wind movement pattern that can be repeated to the song “The Wind”. Teacher Reflection Although this lesson went very well, I probably would have had them move around like the wind without the scarves first then had them move with the scarves afterward. Doing so would have gotten them more use to the limited space that they had. Please see video below of when they were moving around with the scarves. Please see the slide show below of the central ideas and lines of inquiry that I will be using for my K-4 classes in PE. Each grade has its own central idea and lines of inquiry. I will be uploading many learning experiences and assessment tasks from each year level over the next few weeks. We have started off 2012 with a new unit in Gymnastics and Movement to Music at the Nanjing International School in China. The central idea and lines of inquiry for the unit are as follows: Central Idea Multiple elements can be combined into patterns when creating a performance. Lines of Inquiry An inquiry into how the different elements of gymnastics and dance can be combined. An inquiry into the importance of flexibility and strength in gymnastics and dance. An inquiry into determining how best to put together a performance. As an introduction I showed 2 videos. One being a Cirque Du Soleil video and the other being a You Tube clip featuring the fantastic performers ‘Stomp’ creating sound and rhythm using basketballs (www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYXUm8GgPjE). I am trying to move away from a totally traditional dance and gymnastics type unit by infusing elements of circus and other unique ways of creating sound and movement. Once we finished watching the videos, I introduced the central idea and lines of inquiry seen above. We talked about what types of things the students would like to do during the unit and I recorded this. I then set up 3 stations and had them rotate through for roughly 10-12 minutes a station. The main objective here was to allow them to explore and inquire into how they could move their bodies with and without the use of apparatus. The Stations 1. Juggling Scarves, Rhythmic Ribbons, and Basketballs 2. Individual Balances 3. Simple Trampoline Jumps (totally spotted by me) I handed out the worksheet seen in the picture below to have them record their ideas and to rate themselves. See worksheet for a more specific explanation The lesson went very well and seemed to really spark their interest in the unit. I will upload completed worksheets on my website very soon. I feel lucky to be a part of such a great network of teachers. People have chosen this profession for various reasons, but no doubt they love making a difference. I devote 2012 to being the very best that I can be and learning as much as I can from the wonderful people that I connect with. When we set out to be teachers, we all had different reasons. Perhaps, one or both of our parents were teachers. Perhaps, one of the teachers we had in high school, middle school, or elementary school made a significant impact on us. Perhaps it was a coach, a mentor, or an uncle or aunt.....Regardless of what pushed us on the path we are on, we now have an enormous responsibility to continue making the difference that led us to where we currently are. When we truly reflect and question the path we have chosen, the answers become clear to us both objectively and subjectively. Allow these answers to blossom within us.
When I look back on my own experience, I devote this year to people within the profession who have made an enormous impact on me- both spiritually and/or professionally. I devote this year to Dennis Mallette, the best teacher anyone could ever ask for in high school. He was there for me through think and thin, through hard times and good times. He made me want to be a teacher. Through times of conflict, turmoil, and feelings of complete and utter defeat, Mr Mallette was a fixture in my life; steady and strong and always willing to offer words of support and kindness that helped me get through. I devote this year to one of the best teachers I have ever worked with, Michael Knott. A long time veteran of the international circuit who has made a massive difference in so many people's lives, both students and teachers. Michael's current battle with cancer has not, in the least, dampened his enthusiasm for life or taken a second away from the kids he teaches. He inspires me. One day, I want to be in my 60's, like him, and have had such a huge impact on the kids I have taught, as he has had on the thousands of people he has taught over the years. Anybody who has ever worked with Michael will all agree what a fantastic and loving person he is. I devote this year to the best coaches I have ever had. The coaches that pushed me forward, believed in me, stuck by me, and taught me about what is important. They made me never want to give up and to be the best I could be with the abilities I possessed. To you all I owe the world. I devote 2012 to bringing out the best in every student I teach and becoming better at the profession I have chosen. I hope that every teaching professional that reads this can reflect on and cherish what has also led them on this path. All the best in 2012. Andy Vasily An excellent resource that found and always refer to when constructing and creating questions that will help drive the learning experiences I have my students engage in revolves around a list of key verbs related to Bloom's Taxonomy. It has alway helped me to think at a deeper level when designing the units and lessons I will use in PE. I think it is a valuable resource that is worth sharing. Please view jpeg below and think about how these verbs may apply to the questions that you pose to your students in PE. Hope you find this useful. If so, let me know and I will send you an attachment that you can easily print off and hang up above your desk! Thanks! |
AuthorKAUST Faculty, Pedagogical Coach. Presenter & Workshop Leader.IB Educator. #RunYourLife podcast host. Archives
September 2022